Intro to Reinforcement Learning

August 2024 - Present
Hugging Face Logo
Hugging Face
Course Length
30 hours
NumPy LogoNumPy
Optuna LogoOptuna
Gymnasium LogoGymnasium
Stable Baselines3

My interest in Reinforcement Learning (RL) has been steadfast ever since watching the Hide & Go seek video by OpenAI. When DeepMind released AlphaGo and AlphaStar, I was exposed to, and excited by, the application of this new technology to games. After building my bbrbattle site, I speculated that the application of RL could optimize its functionality, and would potentially allow myself and other players to discover new optimal strategies.


In this course I learned a variety of algorithms to apply to different toy RL environments. I learned how to construct my own custom environment, as well as many different on and off-policy algorithms to apply to them. I learned the difference between training a policy compared to a state-value function, how imitation learning works, as well as different training policies such as temporal learning and monte-carlo methods.

Certificate coming soon...